青森県水産試験場研究報告 2,53−58 (2002)




伊藤 欣吾

Larvae of Fishes and Cephalopods collected from
the Waters of
Aomori Prefecture

                         Kingo Ito

 Abstract : The auther prepared the list of the larvae of fishes and cephalopods collected by various plankton
  net researches carried out in the waters of Aomori Prefecture from 1991 to 2001. The species reported in the

  following papers were added to this study : Aomori Pref.Fish.Exp.St. ( 1980−1991 ) , Shiogaki ( 1982b )
  and Kawabata ( 1997 ). A number of species identified were as follows : 45 species of fish larvaes and 3
  species of cephalopods larvaes in the Japan Sea area,25 species of fish larvaes and 3 species of cephalopods
  larvaes in the Tsugaru Straits area , 60 species of fish larves and 4 species of cephalopods larvaes in the
  Pacific Ocean area. In each area the appearance seasons of these larvae were elucidated. However , there
  were many specimens that could not be identified because of suthors' poor identification technique. therefore,
   it is sure that many other unidentified species would appear in the waters of Aomori Prefecture.


                               要  約
