青森県水産総合研究センター研究報告第4号(2004. 3)
                                  Bull. Aomori Pref. Fisher. Res.Centr., No. 4:1−30


 吉田 達1・吉田 雅範2・小坂 善信1・佐々木克之3

   1 青森県水産総合研究センター増養殖研究所,〒039−3381  青森県東津軽郡平内町大字茂浦字月泊10 
   2 青森県下北地方農林水産事務所むつ水産事務所 〒035−0073  青森県むつ市中央1丁目1−8     
   3 元独立行政法人中央水産研究所 現住所〒064−0807  札幌市中央区南7条西28丁目1−15−422   

     The Capacity of Scallop Culture in Mutsu Bay

Tooru YOSHIDA1, Masanori YOSHIDA2, Yoshinobu KOSAKA1 and
                     Katsuyuki SASAKI3


   Abstract  In order to obtain the information on feed conditions, we conducted following sur-
    vey every month at one point on the west bay and east bay of Mutsu Bay. Primary production
    (13Cmethod), concentrations of POC, chlorophyll a and nutrients were examined. Furthermore,
    biomass, feeding and excretion of zooplankton, sedimentation of organic matter from surface
    to bottom were surveyed. Then we calculated biomass, feeding and excretion of scallops, bio-
    fouling and benthos, the additional concentrations of organic matter produced from rotted sea-
    weed, influx of organic matter concentrations from the river and the area outside the scallop
    culture area into the scallop culture area, using preexistent information. We mainly researched
    the monthly feeding budget of hanging culture and sowing culture scallop and the capacity of
    scallop culture in Mutsu Bay.
    As a result, it was considered the present existent number of scallops in Mutsu Bay in Octo-
    ber was 1,875,580,000 individuals, but the capacity of scallop in Mutsu Bay was 1,361,990,000
    individuals in total; the number of juvenile hanging culture scallops was 823,890,000 individu-
    als; the number of one year old hanging culture scallops was 235,760,000 individuals; the num-
    ber of one year old sowing culture scallops was 139,540,000 individuals; the number of two
    years old sowing culture scallops was 139,540,000 individuals.

    1 Corresponding auther: Tooru Yoshida, Aomori Prefectural Fisheries Research Center,
          Aquaculture Institute, Moura, Hiranai-machi, Aomori 039- 3381

             (E-mail: tooru_yoshida@ags.pref.aomori.jp)


                      要     約  
