青森県水産総合研究センター研究報告第6号(2009. 3)
Bull.Aomori Pref.Fisher.Res.Centr.,No.6:9 ― 13..

佐藤 晋一

キーワード:水温 長期変動 津軽暖流 津軽海峡

Long Term Change of Seawater Temperature in the Tsugaru Strait
Shinichi SATO
Abstract: The long-term change in water temperature was examined in the Tsugaru Strait divided into 6 geological parts. The temperatures increased in all depths of the western parts influenced by the Tsushima Warm Current. In the eastern parts water temperature declined at intermediate depths of 75 m to 200 m of the Hokkaido side, as well as from 50 m to 100 m of the Aomori side. Increase of temperature in the surface layers of the Tsugaru Strait might be influenced by the Tsugaru Warm Current as well. Decline of temperature around the intermediate and greater depths of the east side of the strait might be influenced by the coastal branch of the Oyashio Current.

要  約
